DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2019-6-104-110
The pedagogical activity of a preschool education teacher implies interaction with students’ parents in the process of educational activity. The article discusses systematic and methodological components of the interaction between the preschool education teacher and the students’ parents as the implementation of the teachers’ mentoring in relation to the parents. The methodological component of this approach is revealed through the concept of G.N. Prosumentova and the typological characteristics of joint activities: closed, reversed, open. The development of these ideas by S.I. Pozdeyeva in the description of the activity characteristics of different types of mentoring in the professional pedagogical sphere allowed to present the methodological component of the approach in the field of preschool education. When moving to a mentoring position, the teacher uses different models for organizing joint activities, providing psychological, pedagogical, methodological and advisory services more adaptably, which is defined by the objective of the federal project “Support for Families with Children”. Based on the models and types of mentoring proposed by S.I. Pozdeyeva, the article reveals the characteristics of the working actions of a preschool teacher, acting as a mentormethodologist, mentor-tutor, mentor-consultant, mentor-coach, mentor-developer, mentor-partner, mentor-navigator with respect to the students’ parents. In this case, the students’ parents appear as participants in all stages of joint educational activities.
Keywords: mentoring, preschool education, the interaction of the teacher with the students’ parents, joint activities, teacher-mentor
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Issue: 6, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 104 — 110
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