DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2019-6-111-121
The article aims at investigating methodological support and method of conducting for pilot projects in education. The example under consideration is the research of managing the cooperation between public adult associations and traditional educational institutions. The methodology of pilot studies is closely connected with the concept of the study and its theoretical framework. The purpose of the article is to consider ways of using pilot projects (pilot stages in research, pilot online surveys) in the research of managing the cooperation between public adult associations and traditional educational institutions. Research methods included various types of theoretical analysis, interpretation, experimental and diagnostic methods of collecting and processing empirical data. Authors of the article base their research on the concept of cooperation in social philosophy as a basic category of modern theoretical thinking, which explores the notions of simultaneity and bi-directionality – two essential characteristics of the mutual influence of interrelated objects aspiring to achieve a common goal. Pedagogical theory treats cooperation as one of the factors that can increase the efficiency of the upbringing and the socialization process of an individual. The educational potential of public adult associations and ways of using it are viewed in the context of the theory of civil society development. This theory takes into account such important aspects as managing this cooperation, organizing the research of this socio-cultural phenomenon, determining its content, characteristics, forms, ways and effective cooperation models. Pilot projects play an important part in research of socio-cultural phenomena. While being essentially experimental, they assist in gathering empirical data, verifying hypotheses and planning various stages of the research. They contribute to new guidelines for event management (the roadmap including stages and actions necessary to achieve the objectives of the proposed research). The article investigates ways of using pilot online surveys and their monitoring in order to find solutions in the field of research of the cooperation between public adult associations and traditional educational institutions.
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Issue: 6, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 111 — 121
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