DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2019-6-185-190
As part of the study of the features of the Abkhazian folk pedagogy, the article considers special means of edifying influence on the younger generation. An act of caution, the tenetseducation, intimidating – the phenomena that have existed in ethnopedagogy from time immemorial, are designed to protect, reason. The act of caution is widely known in ethnopedagogic science, but little attention is paid to its study and systematization. It is worth noting the absence of significant works on the study of this aspect, collections of people’s warnings, allowing to deeply reveal their essence and content. The most used edifying expressions used by Abkhazians in everyday life were provided to the authors by informants, representatives of this ethnic group living on the territory of the Republic of Abkhazia. Other sources were the works of folklore, as warnings are found in the oral folk art of Abkhazians. The scientific novelty of the experience discussed in the article lies in the lack of due attention to this kind of means of education, including emotional. The relevance of the analysis of this means of education lies in its excessive effectiveness, the lack of need to resort to other methods of persuasion. The purpose of the study of the issue of warnings is the desire to isolate the positive and negative sides of such an impact and to determine the possibility of its application, taking into consideration the requirements and norms of modern pedagogy and modern realities. The Abkhazian people forged their own measures of warnings, tested them for centuries in order to choose what suits the young change of this particular ethnic group. Despite the uniqueness of the means under discussion, their study will be of interest and may be useful to all mankind.
Keywords: folk pedagogy, Abkhaz, Abkhazian ethno pedagogy, national upbringing, methods and means of upbringing, admonition, intimidating, omens, superstitions, Abkhazia
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Issue: 6, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 185 — 190
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