DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2019-6-31-42
The article deals with an importance of genetic syndromes in the etiology of speech disorders. A distinctive feature of Russian education in recent years is a significant increase in the number of children, both in preschool and in General education institutions, with speech disorders of varying severity. Since speech function disorder can be the first and significant symptom of a global ontogenesis disorder, the study of its genetic nature is important for adequate diagnosis and the timely formation of an arsenal of pedagogical tools in the development of correction programs for speech disorders caused by genetic syndromes, taking into account the global impairment of the children’s body functions in such diseases. The idea of the etiology and symptoms of genetic syndromes becomes important in the early differential diagnosis of speech disorders and has prognostic value in terms of developing adequate individual programs for correcting impaired speech function and building an individual educational trajectory of the student. At the same time, given the complexity of the disorders characteristic of the above syndromes, it is simultaneously necessary to develop corrective programs to restore other impaired functions: motor, sensory, cognitive and others. The development of fundamental science at its present stage allows, in some cases, to carry out differential diagnosis of speech disorders with the help of genetic studies.
Keywords: speech disorders, genetic syndromes, correction of speech disorders
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Issue: 6, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 31 — 42
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