DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2020-1-27-36
The content of the concept “multiculturalism” has been given. The need to educate the younger generations of a culture of inter-ethnic communication and the importance of education in this process is justified. Multiculturalism in music education is considered as a means to recreate in the content of all values of musical culture with the aim of holistic musical and cultural development and self-improvement of the person on the basis of the national and universal ideal. The guidelines of pedagogical activity aimed at developing the ability and needs of a person in the creative transformation of the surrounding musical world in a combination of emotional and intellectual are defined. The concept of “national-universal value orientations” is introduced, their structure is considered. The results of monitoring of pedagogical practice are presented, on the basis of which problems of modern multicultural education related to the process of formation of intercultural cooperation and multicultural dialogue skills of schoolchildren, necessary for musical activity in conditions of cultural diversity of Russia and the whole world space are determined. Multicultural music education is being considered, which defines a new area of school education in the institution of supplementary education. Multicultural music training is said to be an integral part of multicultural music education. Conclusions have been drawn on the possibility of its implementation in the institution of additional education in accordance with the developed pedagogical conditions. It justifies the need to educate the younger generations of a culture of interethnic communication and the importance of dialogue and education in this process.
Keywords: culture, personality, society, multicultural music education, multicultural music training, value attitudes, national and universal values of music culture
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Issue: 1, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 27 — 36
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