DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2020-1-37-45
Differences in the mathematical abilities of different students are manifested in the fact that the same practice and exercises for students with different abilities give different results. For a capable student, these exercises lead to the mastery of mathematical knowledge and skills, for an incapable student do not. The reason for the inability to mathematics is the lack of working memory. There are two main approaches to solve the problem of teaching mathematics to incapable students: (1) training working memory and (2) reducing the load on working memory in the educational process. The results of the first approach are ambiguous: training working memory leads to an improvement in the performance of untrained tests for working memory, but it may not lead to noticeable changes in learning indicators associated with the working memory of the student. Accordingly, it remains to reduce the load on working memory in the educational process. Well known methods that reduce the load on working memory when studying mathematics are described. Automation of basic computing skills (arithmetic, trigonometric, geometric) is achieved with the help of computer trainers developed by the author: the mental calculations trainer, the trainer for developing skills in working with a trigonometric circle, the trainer for developing skills of using reduction formulas and the rectangular triangle solving trainer. The technique of working with trainers is based on the interval repetition method. Empirical data on the results of their implementation are presented.
Keywords: mathematical abilities, teaching mathematics, working memory, computer trainer, interval repetition
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Issue: 1, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 37 — 45
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