DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2020-1-64-72
For the last ten years socio-economic and political changes have taken place in Russia, causing changes in the aspect of attitude towards children with disabilities. Researchers specify on the defects of social adaptation of the children of this category, related both to the specifics of moral development of society, and the lacks of personality development of their parents. The study of the parents’ need for self-actualization was carried out through the selfactualization test of E. Shostrom. The study of personal development of children with disabilities was carried out using the technique of E. E. Rukavishnikova, test questionnaire of A. Ya. Varga and V. V. Stolin, the technique of “Ladder” (V. G. Shchur) and others. The influence of personal maturity of parents on the effectiveness of socialization of children with disabilities is proved. Theoretical approaches to the problem of personality development of parents of children with disabilities are considered. It is concluded that the effectiveness of social adaptation of this category of children is determined by the level of personality development of parents, causing a change of options of parents in the perception of a child and the organization of co-operating with them. As a result of the study, conclusions were drawn about the relationship between the level of development of the personality of parents and the successful social adaptation of children with developmental disabilities. The results can be applied by specialists to organize psychological and pedagogical support of the personal development of parents of children with disabilities in educational institutions.
Keywords: personal development, the need for self-actualization, reflexivity, children with disabilities, social adaptation
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Issue: 1, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 64 — 72
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