DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2020-1-80-86
The article discusses the main forms of labor education, as well as the impact of labor on the lives of women serving sentences in prison in the Siberian and Ural Federal districts. Statistical data of the Federal Penitentiary Service on the number of women serving sentences in places of deprivation of liberty, including how many of them have been released from correctional institutions over the past year, are given. The results of the study are analyzed by methods of collecting information, questioning and interviewing in correctional colonies of general regime for the detention of women who previously served imprisonment. The normative legal acts of the criminal executive legislation of the Russian Federation, the federal target program for the development and further improvement of the criminal executive system, including the creation of additional jobs for convicts serving sentences in prison, are analyzed. In addition, the amendments are interpreted in order to attract convicts serving sentences in the areas of the colony-settlement of the correctional institution to work. The issues of realization of the rights and freedoms of convicted women in correctional institutions, further improvement of the mechanism for employment, especially for those who have executive documents, are considered. Recommendations are given on the use of methods and techniques of labor education of women serving sentences in prison, contributing primarily to their correction and the formation of their respectful attitude to the person, work, society, increase their educational level. Thus, labor education strengthens self-esteem, importance for the immediate household environment of women who previously served sentences in correctional institutions.
Keywords: convicted women, labour, labour education, means of correction, penal system, correctional institutions, penal colonies
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Issue: 1, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 80 — 86
Downloads: 877