DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2020-1-87-92
The world we live is currently in the development mode of political, economic and cultural globalization, so foreign language education is receiving more and more attention all over the world. Thus, it is also imperative to establish a new model of teaching Russian as a foreign language in China. Meanwhile, both the changes that China has made under the “One Belt and Road Initiative” and the impact of Chinese culture’s “going out” strategy have brought new opportunities and challenges to Russian language teaching. Many Chinese experts and scholars have written several relevant articles to discuss the mode of teaching Russian talents under such new situation. In 2018, the Ministry of Education of China published the “National Standards for Undergraduate Professional Teaching Quality in Ordinary Colleges and Universities” (referred to as “National Standard”) providing a basis for the establishment of Russian professional quality standards and improving the quality of teaching Russian talents in the new era. The positioning of the “national standard” is reflected in the following three rules: 1) Professional orientation: combination of tradition and innovation. 2) Talent training: combination of comprehensive quality and practical ability. 3) Teaching staff: combination of teaching and scientific research. Meanwhile, the existing problems of Russian teaching in China are expounded.
Keywords: Russian teaching, talent training, National Standard
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Issue: 1, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 87 — 92
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