DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2020-1-93-101
The article considers the principles and methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language in the Chinese student audience, based on the inclusion in the process of teaching a foreign language of material focused on the future professional sphere (idiomatic expressions reflecting political issues). On the basis of the theoretical generalization of the approaches of Chinese and Russian linguists, the main approaches to the allocation of idiomatic expressions from the content (theoretical research, use research) and from the methodology and lexicography are formulated. The characteristic of the leading methodological principles of the implementation of language education for Chinese students is presented: the methods of semantization of words, methods of lexicographic work are described, the logic of work in a specially organized educational and communicative situation at all stages is described, the analysis of work with professional texts is presented. The mechanisms of educational work with idiomatic expressions aimed at the development of the set of foreign language competence of students of Chinese universities are described. Experimental approbation of the presented set of methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language in the audience of Chinese students at an advanced level has shown its effectiveness.
Keywords: language picture of the world, Russian as a foreign language, communication, idiomatic expressions, educational and communicative situation
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Issue: 1, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 93 — 101
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