DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2020-1-102-112
The article deals with the issue of using project technologies in the process of training teachers in the system of secondary vocational education. Contemporary scientific achievements permit us to modernize project technologies significantly compared to the beginning of the last century and to enhance their relevance for the training of future teachers. It is necessary that these technologies should be used according to the contemporary requirements of the state and society to the pre-school and primary school teachers. Based on these requirements, using project technologies is aimed to overcome passivity of future teachers in their education which determines further results of their professional activity, to increase future teachers’ motivation to use new technologies for improving the quality of education at the pre-school and primary levels. It also helps to improve the quality of future teachers’ educational content in terms of patriotic education of the primary school and preschool children. The article presents the concepts of “vocational training”, “project”, “projectbased learning”, “project technologies”. It reveals the importance of project technologies as the specific universal tool affecting directly both content and organization of future teachers’ training and providing its effectiveness. This approach draws the attention of the scientific and pedagogical community to the importance of using project technologies in terms of their core resources. The article presents the justification of the project technologies resources (activity orientated, productive, research, social and others) for their most effective use in the educational content. For illustrative purposes the author provides the description of the project made by future teachers for the pre-school children’s patriotic education.
Keywords: project technologies, project-based learning, project, resources, patriotic education
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Issue: 1, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 102 — 112
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