DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2020-1-137-145
The study is devoted to conceptualization, examination of the content of activities in the university’s and school’s network educational project “Formation of the professional culture of teachers in the modern educational situation: the interaction of university and school in the context of the transition to the new Federal state educational standards for secondary (general) and higher professional education”. The article presents the reconstruction of the project seminar “The use of personality-oriented technologies for the development of student’s text activities of in the process of their preparation for the final certification in the Russian language in the format of the requirements of the Unified state exam and the General state exam”. The organizers, participants of the seminar (bachelors, undergraduates of Faculty of history and philology of Tomsk State Pedagogical University, students of the 11th grade of high school, teachers and philologists of Tomsk) comprehend the experience of developing textual activity using a pedagogical resource of personality-oriented technologies. The article demonstrates how in the space of the seminar the different educational content of the joint action is manifested. For the formation of the knowledge resource of students – normativefunctional, implemented in the task lesson. The activity component of the development of a textual activity of the seminar participants is ensured through the use of value-subordinate relations arising in the context of the lesson-problematization. The semantic component of the educational content of joint activities is formed in the dialogue, in the context of mutually complementary relationships. Dialogue in this context acts as a catalyst, triggering the development of textual activity, which occurs through the use of other forms of joint activities: normative and project. Changes in the content of education occur in the logic of the plot of meaningful activity: the appearance, development, and registration of the meanings of participants in the cultural norm. A methodological tool that allows using different forms of its organization in joint activities can be the technology of the development of critical thinking through writing. The use of such techniques as “Cinquain”, “Directing text” ensures the development of textual competencies necessary for students to write essays in accordance with the requirements of the Unified state exam and the General state exam. The content of joint activities designed and organized in such a way allows to implement the competence approach in education. The competence resource of the project participants representing the University is formed, the development of students’ universal learning actions are carried out.
Keywords: network project, educational design, joint activities, dialogue, meaningful activities
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Issue: 1, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 137 — 145
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