DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2020-1-146-153
The conditions for reforming the system of training of highly qualified personnel are characterized by the growing need to process large amounts of information in professional activities. Against this background, the graduate of the training program of the highest qualification should be ready to independently identify problem areas for the purpose of individual or collective research and obtain new knowledge aimed at solving the tasks. It follows that the content of the training program should include the forms and types of future professional activity of the graduate. The undertaken research is aimed at identifying the means of information and communication technologies that can be centrally applied to ensure the educational process, in order to create the basic conditions that will allow to identify the right direction of the individual educational trajectory of the student during the development of the training program of the highest qualification. This article describes the identification of a specific sphere of centralized application of information and communication technologies in the design of information educational environment in the training of highly qualified personnel on the basis of theoretical and empirical analysis of educational process of training of teaching staff in graduate school.
Keywords: information educational environment in the training of highly qualified personnel, design parameters, educational process in graduate school
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Issue: 1, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 146 — 153
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