DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2020-1-154-161
The article presents the justification, development and results of testing of educational material on the topic “Planning of restorative means in sports” for academic disciplines of restorative and preventive orientation and disciplines on combat sports taught at universities and departments of physical training and sports. The justification of the content of the educational topic is based on scientific and methodological approaches to planning of restorative means in sports, theory and methodology of restorative and preventive means, theory and methodology of sports training. The variant of planning of restorative microcycles in the structure of competitive period of boxers training at the stage of sports specialization has been developed. The place of restorative micro-cycles in the structure of the competitive meso-cycle of boxers competitive period, percentage ratio of the volume of general physical and special physical training, technical training and the volume of application of the complex of pedagogical, medico-biological and psychological means of recovery for each of the planned restorative micro-cycles have been determined. The ratio of application of pedagogical, medico-biological and psychological means of recovery in three planned restorative micro-cycles is presented. The effectiveness of the developed planning option has been experimentally proved.
Keywords: vocational training, competitive micro-cycle, competitive period, restorative micro-cycles, restorative means
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Issue: 1, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 154 — 161
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