DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2020-1-182-194
The ability to innovate is becoming a necessary professional competence in many areas of the Russian economy. Ongoing projects aimed at improving the efficiency of individual industries and areas of production, science, education, do not always take into account the issue of psychological readiness of specialists for changes, as an important component of personal identity. In this article, the authors analyze the teacher’s psychological readiness for professional activities in the new conditions as one of the indicators of introduced innovations in the Kiselevsky urban district of the Kemerovo region as part of the federal project “Every Child’s Success” of the national project “Education” (target model for the development of the regional system of additional education for children). Against the background of the ongoing set of measures to form modern managerial and organizational-economic mechanisms in the system of additional education of children in Kuzbass, professional life activity (professional identity) of teachers is undergoing drastic changes. Participating in innovations, many educators in a personal plan (personal identity) experience a state of unsteadiness and instability. There was a need to study the psychological readiness of specialists in the education, culture and sports system to work in the innovation mode. The authors described the necessary conditions in the article and justified the importance of studying the personal identity of a teacher working in an innovative mode. As a result, a study of the psychological readiness of teachers and heads of organizations of additional education, culture and sports of the Kiselevsk urban district made it possible to evaluate them as subjects of innovative activity, determine the levels of psychological readiness, highlight qualitative characteristics and take into account the data obtained when making managerial decisions.
Keywords: personal identity, teacher readiness, innovative activity, additional education, risks
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Issue: 1, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 182 — 194
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