DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2020-1-195-199
In the article we offer an analysis of the phenomenon of heterogeneous education in a rural school, provide educational tasks that are solved by small schools, and reveal the contents of the concepts “condition” and “pedagogical conditions”. We examined the conditions for organizing the educational process in a rural school (procedural; substantive; managerial; psychological and pedagogical; didactic; methodological; sociocultural). Characterized the learning functions of children of different ages (psychological, social; compensatory; stimulating). They provided a definition of students of different ages in rural areas. The educational process in a rural school involves the implementation of such pedagogical ones that involve the organization of educational activities in small educational groups; taking into account individual characteristics and inclinations of students; selection of training content, selection of methods, forms of work, ensuring the formation of students’ knowledge, skills; construction by the teacher of an individual learning route for students; development of the ability to learn independently; successful assimilation of educational material in the process of student interaction; conditions determined by the characteristics of rural life. Properly organized training in a different age group contributes to the creation of a strong student team, helps to educate students in responsibility, discipline, and the development of initiative.
Keywords: educational opportunities, learning process, communities of different ages, rural education
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Issue: 1, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 195 — 199
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