DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2020-2-23-29
The article deals with the problem of the methodological potential of using visual materials in the process of studying history by university students. Reasoning based on the author’s experience in teaching the history of the Middle Ages. Suggests a typology of visual materials, including “synchronous” historical sources (images, created during the study period or depicting monuments of a given period), “asynchronous” historical sources (visual materials, created within the framework of the studied historical epoch, but much later than the events or characters, depicted with their help), reconstruction (images, created for cognitive purposes and reproducing the features of historical reality in accordance with existing scientific knowledge) and “memorials” (monuments (and their images), dedicated to historical figures and events of the studied era, created outside it). The features of attracting these types of visual materials in the light of the goals and results of their use are revealed. The equivalence of the indicated types of visual materials in terms of the methodological effectiveness of their application is emphasized. The advantages of attracting visual materials are characterized, as well as the question is asked of the need for a methodical justification of its volume within a specific lesson. he article substantiated the special role of visual materials in work with students of historical faculties of pedagogical universities.
Keywords: teaching methodology, visual materials, history of the Middle Ages
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Issue: 2, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 23 — 29
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