DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2020-2-79-91
The article raises the problem of the readiness of teachers of preschool educational organizations to work on the new Federal State Educational Standard, which pays great attention to the organization of the joint educational activities of a teacher with children. The results of two questionnaire surveys of kindergarten teachers are given, in the course of which it was found out, firstly, the level of the involvement of teachers in the development of educational programs, secondly, their understanding of the results of preschool education, and thirdly, the identification of priority areas for the development of a preschool child. It was found that the majority of teachers take an executive position in relation to educational programs, they are focused not on the personal development of children, but on the formation of their knowledge, skills, teachers underestimate the value of the game and research activities for children’s development. Real educational situations of the organization of the teacher’s joint activities with children are described, illustrating that teachers do not always understand how to make a child an active participant in interacting with an adult and how to get away from the total use of the authoritarian model of joint activity towards leadership and partnership. It is concluded that there is a relationship between the level of the methodological support in the kindergarten, including the position of the senior educator, and the ability of the teacher to organize educational situations of reversed and open joint action with children.
Keywords: educational program, joint educational activity, open joint action, educational situation, preschool education
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Issue: 2, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 79 — 91
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