DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2020-2-113-120
The article deals with the definition of “grammar skill”. Structure of grammar skills and their types are given. The subject results of studying the English language described in the approximate general educational program of secondary education are analysed. The subject results of studying the English language that include grammar (syntactic) skills are pointed out. In accordance with the required grammar (syntactic) skills, the author’s method of the development of students grammar (syntactic) skills in the English language “Grammar Battleship” is presented. The relevance of the method in connection with the necessity to achieve practical skills in the English language given in the approximate general educational program of secondary general education is substantiated. The aim of the teaching method “Grammar Battleship” is to master syntactic skills that require understanding and use of correct word order and organization in phrases and sentences. The teaching method passport including its name, purpose, duration of implementation, location, toolkit and instruction in English is described. It is shown how to asses students activities as a result of the method implementation using the indicators according to system-activity approach to teaching the English language. In conclusion of the article, the author indicates the possibility of method transforming depending on students English level.
Keywords: grammar skill, structure of grammar skill, syntactic grammar skills, foreign language, teaching method of development grammar (syntactic) skills “Grammar Battleship”
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Issue: 2, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 113 — 120
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