DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2020-2-130-136
The article considers the problem of professional training of students in pedagogical areas from the point of view of using such a resource as Olympiads. The authors pay attention to the essential features of the subject and methodological Olympiads identified by Russian and foreign researchers. Among them, the authors define such as complexity, practical orientation, and personal significance for the student. The complexity includes theoretical, practical, and methodological material in the Olympiad tasks. The practice orientation focuses on developing specific forms of interaction with students, lesson notes. The personal significance for students is development of educational independence. Based on the results of the conducted research (online survey, analysis of student texts), conclusions are made about the need to hold. Conclusions are drawn about efficiency of the different types of Olympiads in the process of training future teachers. The researchers think that participation of students in the Olympiad takes on a new meaning in their professional training, acting not only as a means of evaluating the acquired knowledge, skills, but also as a resource for developing their subject-methodical competencies and educational actions. The article is of interest to teachers of colleges and higher educational institutions and also students of pedagogical specialties.
Keywords: Olympiad, compatibility, educational independence, students, professional training
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Issue: 2, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 130 — 136
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