DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2020-2-150-160
The analysis of the concept of «extracurricular activities» in school education is given, its features are characterized. The concept of «extracurricular activities in chemistry» is given, its purpose and specific feature at the senior level of education in a modern school are highlighted. The necessity of carrying out chemistry projects is substantiated, and one of the relevant areas is proposed: design activities of schoolchildren in modeling the structure of substances. The HyperChem software package, which is used to solve the problems of quantum-mechanical modeling of atomic and molecular structures, is described, which allows performing complex computational problems in chemistry in a short period of time. The methodology of work of schoolchildren with the HyperChem software package is described. The characteristic of individual chemistry projects is given, the stages of their implementation are given. An example of the construction by schoolchildren of the molecular structures of chlorides of elements of group 15 of the periodic system and their optimization by the semiempirical PM3 method, which includes only valence electrons in the calculation, is shown. Correlation dependences of the experimental and calculated bond lengths and bond angles, correlation equations, correlation coefficients (R), and standard deviation (SD) are presented. The results of evaluating completed projects on the basis of developed criteria, assessment scales and student performance on completed projects are presented. Questions were developed for questioning students in order to determine their attitude to the GaussView program.
Keywords: extracurricular activities in chemistry, project activities, stages of the project, project evaluation, computer simulation, quantum-chemical calculations
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Issue: 2, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 150 — 160
Downloads: 973