DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2020-2-161-171
The article considers the problems of the crisis of humanitarian knowledge in higher education. This crisis is accompanied by an increase in the pragmatic motives of professional choice, when obtaining education is reduced to achieving material well-being or career growth. An alarming trend is the dehumanization of education. At the same time, the prospects for higher education development are inseparable from the notions of the priority of humanitarian knowledge due to its fundamental nature. The authors prove the position that the content of education should include everything that leads to the understanding of higher education as a process of creating cultural values, including spiritual, moral, aesthetic, material values. The study highlighted a number of features that modern teaching methods of the humanities should answer in universities. These signs are summarized in the article. The study also highlighted the principles necessary for the selection and structuring of the content of humanitarian education (the principle of historicism, etc.). Performance indicators for the development of humanitarian knowledge are also presented. It is concluded that the development of humanitarian knowledge provides ample opportunities for comprehensive and productive communication with the outside world and creative practical work.
Keywords: higher education, humanitarian knowledge, the content of education, principles of development, teaching methods, educational environment, student, educational dialogue
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Issue: 2, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 161 — 171
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