DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2020-2-209-219
Computer information technologies in recent decades have been actively introduced into human life. In connection with the rapidly developing global informatization and computerization of society, a need has emerged for diagnosing the risk of developing cyber addiction in adolescents. Scientists and psychologists have developed many different techniques for identifying cyber addiction. This article presents a general description of the interrogation methods often used in Russia for diagnosing cyber addiction in children and adolescents, such as Chen’s Internet addiction scale (in adaptation by Feklisov K. A., Malygina V. L); test for Internet addiction by V. A. Loskutova (Burova); screening diagnostics of computer addiction by Yurieva L. N., Bolbot T. Yu., etc. The results of studies among students of the city of Tomsk with the aim of studying the psychoemotional personality traits of adolescents predisposed to Internet addiction are presented. The techniques presented in the article can be used by school psychologists and teachers to assess the attitude of adolescents to working at a computer or with gadgets, staying on the Internet, with the aim of developing preventive measures to prevent this type of dependence.
Keywords: сhildren and adolescents – Internet users, Internet addiction, cyber adiction, diagnostic tools for cyber adiction, disturbances in the emotional-volitional sphere, diagnosis of hostility, depression, aggression
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Issue: 2, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 209 — 219
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