DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2020-3-16-24
The article deals with the specifics of the organization of project activities in primary school, as a person-oriented technology that combines various approaches, methods, and techniques. The characteristics of the main difficulties that arise in the process of organizing project activities, which consist in the inability of younger students, due to psychological and physiological characteristics of development, to act independently and the desire of teachers to give direct instructions, to suppress and restrain the initiative of younger students, are given. The most significant factor in the process of organizing project activities with younger schoolchildren is the use of a creative, personality-oriented approach to the student’s activities due to the fact that the implementation of each project involves the student’s and teacher’s cooperation, their co-creation and joint research inquiry. The main project skills are identified and characterized, the formation of which indicates the possibility of successful organization of project activities with younger students. The results of a study to identify the level of formation of design skills in second-graders (search skills, communication skills, skills and working skills in collaboration, reflective skills, organizational and practical design skills) are presented. An experimental study was carried out in an educational process in preparation for the organization of project activities and the implementation of various diagnostic tasks.
Keywords: research project, project activity, project task, project skills, cooperation, research search, primary school student
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Issue: 3, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 16 — 24
Downloads: 1081