DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2020-3-36-47
The article presents a look into the motives and factors of the professional choice as one of the characteristics of students’ professional self-determination. Material for this research was obtained from researches of the 1990s by the scientists E. A. Klimova, N. V. Kuzmina, V. A. Slastyonin, G. N. Pashkevich and from questionnaires of first-year students at Tomsk State Pedagogical University in October, 2019. The research was carried out by means of theoretical methods (analysis of the scientific literature and statistical data of the 2019 admission campaign) and empirical methods (student questioning). This article is compiled to reveal to the pedagogical alumni the factors influencing the professional choice of first-year students who became the participants of the research in 2019 with comparison to researches of such type carried out in the 1990s. As a result of this research the following conclusions were drawn: obtaining a pedagogical profession is the most attractive for young females; inner-state and international educational migration of prospective students remain; the pedagogical experience prospective students have before they enter a university help them to realize what major to choose at a pedagogical university; contemporary first-year students have intrinsic motives, but have more extrinsic motives. Comparing with researches by V. A. Slastyonin of the 1990s there increased the per cent of students who put forward as the factors that influenced their choice of a pedagogical university such factors as that of willing to get higher education and that of circumstances, these results allow to confirm current necessity to help students with their professional self-determination while they study at a university.
Keywords: professional choice, young students, bifurcation point, surveying students, pre-university pedagogical experience, prospective students’ recruiting
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Issue: 3, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 36 — 47
Downloads: 1102