DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2020-3-121-126
Formation of economic competencies is the most important factor in the educational process in the specialty of “Economics”, profile “Finance and Credit”. The article discusses the problems of building competence in the collection and analysis of baseline data necessary for calculating economic and socio-economic indicators, which is associated with the lack of correlation between theoretical and practical blocks, as well as the effect of social stereotypes in society that determine the attitude to the economy as a science, which develops in a different plane than real life. We consider it necessary to use a systematic approach to the formation of the aforementioned competencies in the educational process, based on the progressive formation of knowledge that allows developing skills and forming skills brought to automatism. The given examples of tasks are actually used in the framework of teaching the discipline “Banking” in order to form economic competencies. The practical orientation of the tasks forms the ability to navigate in the economic situation and make decisions aimed at increasing income. In the recommendations on the organization of the educational process, emphasis is placed on the constant updating of information and economic indicators, since it is precisely during training in economic specialties that the relevance of information allows quite often to correlate your conclusions and arguments on the situation in the country, economic and banking sectors.
Keywords: the formation of economic competencies, the importance of emphasis on the practical component in training, socio-economic indicators of development of economic entities
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Issue: 3, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 121 — 126
Downloads: 866