DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2020-3-191-200
In recent decades, the Russian family has undergone profound changes in relations between generations of parents and children. There is a practice-justified view that Russian children were never as different from parents by their mentality as in today’s reality. The retrospective analysis carried out in the article of the family’s performance of its educational function with regard to children differentiated by sex shows the importance and place of each parent in the formation of the child’s personality. The conducted survey of schoolchildren in five regions of Russia (2019) and comparison of its results with the data of a similar survey of ten years ago (2009) make it possible to draw conclusions about trends in family education, as well as about which parents most successfully perform their educational role in the modern Russian family. In retrospect of the last ten years, alarming conclusions are being formulated about the reduction of parents’ authority as advisers. In the dynamics of these years there is a decrease in the attitude of children to be similar to their parents. Attention is drawn to the fact that most children do not view the family environment as comfortable for cohabitation with parents, which indicates the factors of disadvantage of these families. The desire of children to assert their financial independence by independently earning money for pocket expenses has been revealed. There is an increase in the number of children evading the answer about the sources of money, which may indicate improper practices in obtaining it. The given data of the comparative study make it possible to conclude that there has been an increase in certain deformation of parental roles in the family over the past ten years. The task of the family today is to contribute to the formation of life guidelines of children, offering them reliable starting conditions for achieving success. The scientific novelty of the study consists in the analysis of the influence of educational actions (omissions) of each parent on the formation of immunity in children from possible external negative influences taking into account modern social risks in society.
Keywords: father, mother, family, children, parenting, trends in family education
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Issue: 3, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 191 — 200
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