DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2020-3-208-214
The article analyzes the problem of aggression of modern society on the basis of data from our own research conducted in 2014–19 on the basis of surveys of men and women of various social and educational levels aged 15 to 70 years, mass media and research data. The phenomenon of aggression for many years continues to be an urgent topic of sociological, psychological and pedagogical research, despite a large number of various humanitarian research and ongoing controversy in the media and on the Internet. Nevertheless, the problem of aggression and its consequences for society as a whole and each individual in particular is not only relevant, but also a direct determinant of development, social integration and personal position in relation to society as a whole and to an individual person in particular. The results of the study indicate not only the multiplicity and multi-level aggressive behavior and perception of society as aggressive, but also make a certain contribution to understanding the nature of such a complex phenomenon as aggressiveness. However, based on the data of psychocorrection of our early works, we can talk about the limitations of the fatal perception of the phenomenon of aggressiveness and understanding of the ways to reduce it. The essence of aggression at the gender level is considered as a serious intrapersonal conflict, which is an obstacle to the organization of the spiritual space of the individual.
Keywords: aggression, modern society, society, public opinion
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Issue: 3, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 208 — 214
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