DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2020-3-215-223
The methods of interaction between parents and children on the problem of developing the interest of the younger student in mathematics are submitted for consideration. Parents have serious difficulties in organizing their own help for children, not only in the framework of home independent work, but also in performing various tasks in mathematics, which makes it difficult to solve this problem. The research material was the results of a survey of parents, on the basis of which their position on the organization of work to develop the interest of younger students in mathematics is revealed. This problem is traditionally solved by the teacher in the classroom, and when organizing extracurricular activities, it involves parents. In relation to adults, the teacher takes an authoritarian position. It determines what difficulties the student is experiencing in learning individual subjects and what help parents can provide. The indicated variant of adult interaction leads to the fact that parents also take an authoritarian position when organizing independent activities of younger students. At the same time, the development of interest in learning at school, including academic subjects, requires a change in the position of adults. In this regard, it is advisable to inform parents about ways to develop younger students’ interest in mathematics, about ways to organize activities for their implementation, which can have a significant impact on the success of the younger student in mastering the content of the initial course of mathematics. For parents to understand the importance of a new way of organizing joint activities, it is necessary to change the teacher’s position from authoritarian to partner. This makes it possible to create conditions for mastering the techniques of productive interaction aimed at developing younger students’ interest in mathematics and mathematical activities.
Keywords: mathematical activity, interest, methods of interaction organization, Junior school student, parents
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Issue: 3, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 215 — 223
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