DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2020-3-233-239
The state’s development vector is currently aimed at innovative transformations. To create an effective innovation system in the country, it is important to prepare University students for professional activities and develop their innovative potential. An important condition in preparing students for innovation is psychological and pedagogical support. Support should be aimed at the formation of innovative competencies of students, personal development, expansion of self-education, assistance in the development and implementation of innovations. It is important that psychological and pedagogical support is focused on the design of the author’s system of student activity when mastering the basics of the profession. Psychological and pedagogical support in the educational process takes into account the logic of the natural development of the student at this age and socio-cultural stage. The model of psychological and pedagogical support for the development of innovative potential of students includes several components: motivational, informative, practical, evaluative, and diagnostic. The model combines the goals, objectives, and features of innovation in the educational environment. It should be focused on the development of innovative thinking, improving motivation, improving the quality of independent and team work, and selfdevelopment of students. When developing the innovative potential of students, it is necessary to use active forms of education: training, project activities, discussions, modeling, roleplaying and simulation games. Active forms of education help to develop students communicative competence, creative and organizational abilities, personal and professional identity. Psychological and pedagogical support for the development of innovative potential of students should be based on the principle of transition of opportunity to relevance. With the development of innovative potential, students move to a qualitatively new level through self-development and professional improvement. Scientific and research work, which is focused on the practical implementation of the results of intellectual activity, is of great importance in the preparation of students.
Keywords: innovative potential, psychological and pedagogical support, educational environment, personality
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Issue: 3, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 233 — 239
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