DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2020-4-37-46
The importance of identifying spiritual foundations of interaction between a family and a school in the reality of value-based pluralism in contemporary society is explained. The growing demand on education among parents to provide proper upbringing is emphasized, as well as their desire to communicate with the teachers. The research is based on the existential approach that makes it possible to describe interaction between a family and a school in the unity of their co-existence. The research results revealed the following spiritual existential units of interaction between a family and a school: love, freedom and responsibility and spiritual unity and cooperation. Interaction between a family and a school may be treated as a social unity based on love, the goal of which is to develop communicative skills and individual features necessary in social interaction. Such interaction requires understanding of the value of freedom and responsibility in continuous education by both parents and teachers. It will stimulate self-cognition, self-development and self-identification that contribute to the skills of independent choice and form the ability to bear responsibility for the choice. The relations between a family and a school are characterized by spiritual unity, in other words it is an inner link based on the feelings of love, respect and solidarity. A school in this case provides a “meeting” between adults and children that allows revealing the values and spirit of different generations. The following conclusion about interaction between a family and a school is made: it is a creative process of finding the meaning of teaching by both pedagogues and parents, where the modus of their co-existence is based on responsibility for the crucial period in children’s lives and for the process and result of their personalities shaping. Relations between teachers and parents are based on the role of common values: love in the form of acceptance of the child and his/her unique features, his/ her importance and individuality developed during social communication; freedom and responsibility via comprehension of educational situation, and spiritual unity and cooperation as togetherness based on similarity of fate, unselfishness and universality of “the good” as regulators of interaction.
Keywords: interaction between family and school, love, freedom, responsibility, spiritual unity, cooperation
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Issue: 4, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 37 — 46
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