DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2020-4-91-101
This paper deals with the discussing of future managers training in the digital economy conditions. Some key features of the digital economy are: information as the main resource, wide distribution of e-commerce, obtaining services by citizens through the Internet. Information systems and technologies are used in education to develop and work with e-learning resources. In addition, we should consider the possibilities of platforms for hosting online courses and distance learning systems for students. Considering approaches of online-courses organization on Coursera, edX, FutureLearn, Skillbox, Open Education platforms allows to highlight the following features: organization of training in remote format, modular organization of materials of online courses, flexible training schedule for the student within the time limits set by teachers to complete tasks, informing the students. Another effective tool for student learning is the distance learning system. Teachers of the Department of Informatics and Mathematics of the Saint-Petersburg University of the Humanities and Social Sciences (SPbGUP) constantly improve the educational and methodological support of the taught disciplines, placed in the system of support of independent work of students of SPbGUP by address The features of the work of teachers with electronic courses in the disciplines «Informatics» and «Information Technologies in Management» were discussed. These materials are placed in the appropriate e-learning courses, which were realized at the SPbGUP system of students support on independent work ( This article summarizes the author’s experience in teaching disciplines of the Department of Informatics and Mathematics.
Keywords: Informatics, online courses, training of the disciplines, digital economy, selfwork support system, students
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Issue: 4, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 91 — 101
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