DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2020-4-140-151
A problem of the educational programs implementation in universities in the conditions of forced distance learning was a serious challenge to the academic environment. Great difficulties are caused by the education of students who have a significant number of hours of practical work in the curriculum, in particular those studying in the fields of Physical Education and Sports. The analysis, generalization and interpretation of the literary sources made it possible to identify the possibilities of applying modern technologies of professional development, and forming necessary competencies in the preparation of a bachelor. To adapt the lessons to the conditions of the electronic environment, the necessary algorithm of actions is given, from the features of the glossary development to the creation of the final digital discipline model. It is important to teach students to see the mistakes of students in the technique of movements, tactical errors, to identify their own mistakes in the teaching methods in order to work in the field of physical culture and sports. Therefore, to enhance cognitive activity, develop a culture of thinking of a teacher in physical education and sports, it is proposed to use the preparation of video projects (in the format of a television fitness program with classes and short videos) in practical exercises, taking into account the proposed stages of preparation, a monitoring and evaluation system.
Keywords: modern educational technologies, undergraduate students, information and communication technologies, competencies, video project
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Issue: 4, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 140 — 151
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