DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2020-5-175-181
The article deals with the problem of personality functioning in the conditions of modern uncertainty and variability. This research focuses on the relationship between tolerance to uncertainty and psychological boundaries of personality in youth. The concepts of tolerance and intolerance to uncertainty, psychological boundaries are considered; the relationship between the considered constructs is substantiated. An empirical study of the specifics of the relationship between tolerance to uncertainty and the functions of psychological boundaries of young people is conducted. During the experiment, the following methods were used:» New questionnaire of tolerance-intolerance to uncertainty «(T. V. Kornilova),» Method of diagnostics of psychological borders of personality « (T. S. Levi). The experimental study revealed the predominance of tolerance to uncertainty (including interpersonal tolerance to uncertainty) and the lack of formation of the psychological border in the period of youth. The relationship between the following indicators is established: non-admitting, restraining functions of psychological boundaries and interpersonal tolerance to uncertainty; tolerance to uncertainty and a combination of high values for non-admitting, restraining and low values for permeable, neutral, absorbing functions of psychological boundaries. The results of the study indicate inflexibility, maladaptivity, rigidity, impenetrability and closeness of psychological boundaries of young people, difficulties in exchanging information and energy between the external and internal space, perception of uncertainty as a threat, avoiding situations of inconsistency and variability, and avoiding contacts. The identified features contribute to the growth of stagnating trends, victimization, and hinder personal development and growth. The results obtained can be used to build programs for psychological and pedagogical support of young people in terms of activating their internal psychological resources necessary for effective functioning in the conditions of continuous challenges of everyday reality.
Keywords: tolerance to indeterminacy, tolerance to uncertainty, interpersonal tolerance to uncertainty, psychological boundaries, youth
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Issue: 5, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 175 — 181
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