DOI: 10.23951/2307–6127-2020-6-9-16
The article considers and analyzes the content lines of preschool education through the prism of preschool childhood tasks. The research material is based on the author’s long-term observations of the activities of senior preschool children and their parents in the educational and methodological center for preschool education of children at the Institute of childhood of Tomsk State Pedagogical University. The principle of the content lines of preschool is, first of all, not to prepare the child for school, but to form in him the most important mental qualities and abilities-arbitrariness, imagination, memory, creativity, tolerance, sociability, independence, etc. These are qualities that shape children’s functional literacy, which means that they can more easily adapt to future school life. This provision sets the vector direction of activity of preschool teachers, which should be focused not on the child’s assimilation of specific educational information, but on the formation of a full-fledged harmonious personality. In the context of the considered problem the author proceeds from the understanding that content lines are the directions of structuring a training course, in which each content line is understood as a stable unit of semantic integrity of a pedagogically appropriate course, subject, and technology. But at the same time, this stable unit cannot be considered independently, it is always interconnected with other components of this course or a specific link in the system and can determine the direction of a different nature or level of work. This understanding of the content lines of preschool education allows you to build a holistic work not only with the child, but also with his parents.
Keywords: preschool education, senior preschool children, content lines, target settings, value orientations, the main components of preparation for school, diagnostic methods, preschool teacher
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Issue: 6, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 9 — 16
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