DOI: 10.23951/2307–6127-2020-6-23-30
The article raises the problem of identifying the features of the personified approach in the pedagogical process of children and adults; on the basis of historical and pedagogical analysis, the phenomenon of personification is characterized, its features are revealed. It is proved that personification in education as a pedagogical principle determines the possibility of selforganization of the personal educational space, as it is associated, first of all, with the maximum activity of the student. The main ways of personification in additional professional education for adults have been determined. The guidelines for organizing a personified educational process are presented: the perception of the educational situation by the teacherstudent of course training as a projective situation; providing the opportunity for teachers to make adjustments to the training program; focus of attention – on the personification of teaching, self-development, self-education of teachers; providing the possibility of individual consulting for teachers, experts and course curators in any format; availability of all educational on-line and off-line resources; the possibility of completing training courses and modules at a pace convenient for the student; organization of an informal educational environment and support in informal education; stimulating motivation for self-learning; actualization of the transition to problem- and project-oriented models of the formation of knowledge, skills and competencies; «Objectification» (and manifestation) of the personal learning outcomes of teachers. The interdependence of the experience of pedagogical personification and personification of the student is shown.
Keywords: personification, personality, individuality, teaching staff development, selfimprovement, personalization, subjectivity
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Issue: 6, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 23 — 30
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