DOI: 10.23951/2307–6127-2020-6-140-151
The article analyzes the problem of communication between the guide and the audience in excursions on the topic of religious culture. The experience of conducting various types of religious excursions at Tomsk State Pedagogical University is presented: survey and thematic excursions by confessions, the religious component of the city excursion. The specificity of communication is highlighted on excursions conducted by a teacher or guide, and on excursions conducted by a representative of the confession. Methodical approaches typical for each type of excursion are determined, the results are analyzed. The authors identified the limitations characteristic of the traditional communication model based on the understanding of religious culture as an object external to the guide and the group. Such an excursion provides an initial acquaintance with the confession, but is ineffective if a deeper study of religion is required. This problem is caused by the contradiction between the phenomenological approach, which presupposes the study of religion within the framework of its own internal logic, and the externality of the guide in relation to religious culture. The ways of overcoming these limitations through a combination of immersion in a religious culture with external accessibility in relation to this culture are shown. Such a communication model is provided by an excursion led by a representative of the confession, who acts as a mediator, a mediator between the experience of the confession and the cultural environment. The conclusion is made about the system-forming role of the communicative aspect in a religious excursion and its specificity for this type of excursion, the need for different communication models to ensure the cognitive interest of students, including the need to involve representatives of religious confessions in conducting excursions.
Keywords: communication strategy, excursion, religion, phenomenological approach, religious culture, religious confession, guide, teacher, representative of confession
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Issue: 6, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 140 — 151
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