DOI: 10.23951/2307–6127-2020-6-172-182
As we enter the new millennium, the emerging reforms in the fields of secondary education and teachers’ education in China have raised new demands on the quality of teachers’ training. Professional-methodical training as an integral part of teachers’ education is closely related to the quality of teachers’ training. In order to improve the effectiveness of teachers’ training, this article examines and analyzes the history of development and the current state of professional-methodical training of teachers in China. Studies show that the development of this training is characterized by a late start, a short period of development, folding under the influence of Western countries, and in the context of educational reform, it faces enormous challenges, as well as new opportunities. The main characteristics of the current state of professional-methodical teachers’ training in China include: “blind” copying and borrowing the experience and models of professional-methodical training of other countries, while reforming teacher’ education, where national conditions and needs of general education are increasingly taken into account; the complexity of the system of professional-methodical teachers’ training, where the central place is occupied by the academic discipline “teaching methods”; practical orientation of professional-methodical training. And on the basis of the results of the study, constructive proposals are put forward for the further development and improvement of this training. To improve the system of professional-methodical training, it is necessary to reform it in three ways: to clarify the goals; improve educational programs; diversify assessment methods.
Keywords: professional-methodical training, methodical training system, teachers’ training in China, history of professional-methodical training in China, the state of professional-methodical training in China
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Issue: 6, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 172 — 182
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