DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2021-1-29-34
On the basis of the conducted historical and pedagogical analysis, the content of the concepts “afterschool work”, “out-of-class work”, “nonlearning work”, “extracurricular work” was revealed. The periodization of the stages of the formation of extracurricular activities of schoolchildren is proposed; describes the features of the organization of extracurricular activities of students at various historical stages of the formation of this phenomenon in Russia: 1) at the stage of the emergence of the phenomenon of “extracurricular work” in Russian education, the features of which are associated with the creation of a network of extracurricular institutions of “private and public initiative”, the focus of their activities on the general development of children of unprivileged classes; 2) at the stage of evolution of forms of extracurricular, extracurricular, extracurricular activities of students in educational organizations, whose originality was due to the development of mass practice of organizing extracurricular (extracurricular) activities (including the creation of an “industry” of leisure activities for children and youth at the place of residence), intensification of scientific research, including the content of this work, determining its optimal tasks, technologies, forms of implementation; 3) at the stage of formation of modern models of organization of extracurricular activities associated with the formation of personal and metasubject educational results of students within the framework of the system-activity educational paradigm.
Keywords: extracurricular activities, afterschool activities, out-of-class activities, nonlearning activities, stages of formation of the concept of “extracurricular activities”
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Issue: 1, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 29 — 34
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