DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2021-1-35-40
It is stated that the problem of the development of communicative universal educational actions (CUEA) of students has become the object of both modern scientific research and practical developments. The paper presents a historical and pedagogical analysis of the study of this phenomenon in Russian pedagogy, identifies the leading models and technologies used to organize extracurricular activities in modern educational institutions. A model for the development of CUEA of junior schoolchildren by means of extracurricular activities is proposed, the features of which are associated with the use of a set of system-activity, communicative-cognitive approaches, integrated content at the metasubject level in the form of a network modular educational program of extracurricular activities (general intellectual orientation), implementation technologies using subject-oriented teaching aids, speech situations, logical and didiactic schemes. The content of the effective-evaluative component of the model is substantiated, which includes methods of observation, diagnostics, statistical methods, and the assessment of the process of development results for this group of metasubject education results. For the development of CUEA in students of primary school age, we have proposed the following means, in our opinion, which are the most effective for a given age: subject-figurative visualization, logical-didactic schemes and speech situations. The criteria are highlighted (the student is able to master speech culture at an elementary level; the student is able to organize his communication in a time frame; the student is able to overcome various types of barriers in the implementation of communication), the levels of formation of this group of metasubject educational results of students at the level of primary general education.
Keywords: development of communicative educational results, primary general education school, students, model, non-class activities, teaching aids
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Issue: 1, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 35 — 40
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