DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2021-1-97-103
Nowadays the system of secondary vocational education must be ready to meet modern challenges and requirements for professional training and be able to cope with the contradiction between the existing quality of specialists’ training and the employers and the labor market demands for highly qualified specialists. Therefore, the issue of creating a system of advanced professional training is extremely vital. The article considers approaches to the theoretical basis for the conceptual foundations of advanced professional training of specialists required for the socio-economic development of the region. It distinguishes some certain aspects of the regionalization of education in the context of activities performed by institutions involved in the secondary vocational education. The paper also substantiates the urgency and the relevance of the advanced vocational training center, whose activity is aimed at satisfying the needs of priority directions of economic and technological development of the region and increasing the professional employment of its population. The article determines goals and objectives of advanced vocational training, specifies expected outcomes and effects of their implementation in the practice of advanced vocational training center which was created on the basis of the Siberian Polytechnic College (Kemerovo). Moreover, the author demonstrates the most significant results achieved by the center of advanced vocational training of the Kemerovo region over the period of 2019, 2020. The approbation of the designed model developed on the conceptual foundations of advanced vocational training confirmed that it contributes to the successful solution of the planned goals and objectives.
Keywords: secondary vocational education, outstripping (advance), regionalization of education, advanced training concept, effectiveness of advanced education
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Issue: 1, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 97 — 103
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