DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2021-1-104-110
The article presents, on the basis of a theoretical analysis of the phenomenon of motivational space, its content, leading formation technologies. The specificity of modern models of the organization of the educational process by means of blended learning is revealed. The necessity of blended learning in training students of pedagogical universities is actualized. The urgency of the problem of optimizing the use of distance and blended learning for university students is substantiated. The characteristic of blended learning is given, theoretical and empirical studies in the field of distance and blended learning are analyzed, their positive aspects are identified and indicated. The motivational component makes it possible to determine the perspective of the program for the integration of various forms in the teaching of students, including foreign students and those with disabilities. The key motivational features of students and teachers of higher education at the present stage of implementation of various forms of education are scientifically substantiated. The purpose of the study is to analyze the specifics of the motivational space through blended learning tools. Potential resources of this form of obtaining information are demonstrated and tendencies of self-determination of students and teachers in professional activities through blended learning are determined.
Keywords: motivation, motivated space, professional competence, blended learning tools, electronic communication
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Issue: 1, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 104 — 110
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