DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2021-2-100-107
The article emphasizes the impact of digital transformation on the “park of professions” and the training of university students as transprofessionals with a high level of development of information competence. The increased interest in career guidance projects allows us to determine the potential of the “park of professions” for the development of transprofessional information competence of university students. Transprofessional competencies, one of which is information competence, are the skills of the future (future skills). Hard skills – (English “hard” skills) competencies manifested in the narrow professional sphere, and soft skills – (English “soft” skills) as transprofessional competencies acquired and developed throughout life, characterized by moving beyond one profession. The information competence of university students should be considered as a transprofessional competence and as a sociocultural phenomenon at the same time. Information competence as a socio-cultural phenomenon includes a culture of working with a professional context as a transformation of information into texts of one’s own consciousness; culture of presentation of educational results in the form of a digital product; a culture of information security management; a culture of working with information in relation to relevance; culture of mobile solution of professional tasks with the help of digital technologies; a culture of working with digital content presented in a digital educational environment, which characterizes information competence as well as transprofessional. The potential of the “park of professions” expands the boundaries of understanding the information competence of university students as transprofessional.
Keywords: transprofessionalism, transprofessional, transprofessional competence, future skills, information competence of students
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Issue: 2, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 100 — 107
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