DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2021-3-9-18
This publication reflects the formation of a teacher, scientist and successful manager in the system of pedagogical education, Professor of Tomsk State Pedagogical University Vladimir Mikhailovich Zelichenko, who recently passed away. The author reveals its role in the development of additional physical and mathematical education of schoolchildren in Tomsk and its significant contribution to improving the level of training of modern teachers. It reflects his own growth as a physicist during his work at Tomsk State University and the Siberian Institute of Physics and Technology, organizational success in opening the second physics and mathematics school in Siberia, after Novosibirsk, for students, pedagogical views on teacher training and their implementation in practice at Tomsk State Pedagogical Institute, and then at the University. The main directions of scientific activity of V. M. Zelichenko are presented. He developed the theory of education, based on the evolutionary-synergetic paradigm, and applied issues of scientific and methodological support of physical and natural science education. In this direction, he developed new approaches to both the preparation of future teachers for teaching natural science disciplines, and to improving the qualifications of subject teachers. V. M. Zelichenko proved a number of minimal theorems as applied to excited states of atomic systems. He has constructed a unique technique for the minimax calculation of excited states. V. M. Zelichenko made a contribution to the study of the phenomena of photoionization of many-electron atoms. New approaches to the study of fullerenes are formulated.
Keywords: teaching physics at school, teaching physics at a university, training a physics teacher, a systematic approach to education
1. Nazarov P. A., Zelichenko V. M., Potekayev A. I. Fiziko-matematicheskaya shkola kak instrument formirovaniya poznavatel’noy aktivnosti shkol’nikov [Physics and mathematics school as a tool for the formation of cognitive activity of schoolchildren]. Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo pedagogicheskogo universiteta – TSPU Bulletin, 2017, vol. 12 (189), pp. 139–146 (in Russian).
2. Zelichenko V. M., Arzhanik A. R, Larionov V. V., Shishkovskiy V. I., Novikova O. N. [Electronic textbook on physics with the inclusion of a demonstration experiment for students of pedagogical universities]. Fizika v sisteme sovremennogo obrazovaniya (FSSO-09): materialy X Mezhdunarodnoy konferentsii [Physics in the system of modern education (FSSO-09): Materials of the X International Conference]. Vol. 1. Saint Petersburg, RSPU Publ., 2009. Pp. 320–323 (in Russian).
3. Dmitriyev V. M., Zelichenko V. M., Filippov A. Yu., Sharova O. N. Formalizovannoye opisaniye razlichnogo tipa zadach dlya avtomatizirovannogo modelirovaniya [Formalized description of various types of tasks for automated modeling]. Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo pedagogicheskogo universiteta – TSPU Bulletin, 2002, vol. 2(30), pp. 73–77 (in Russian).
4. Zelichenko V. M., Chervonnyy M. A., Danilov D. O., Knyazev A. Ye. Osnashchennost’ kabinetov fiziki [Equipment of physics classrooms]. Fizika v sisteme sovremennogo obrazovaniya (FSSO-05): materialy vos’moy Mezhdunarodnoy konferentsii [Physics in the system of modern education (FSSO-05): Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference]. Saint Petersburg, RSPU Publ., 2005. Pp. 429–432 (in Russian).
5. Zelichenko V. M. Kontseptsiya universal’nogo evolyutsionizma – svyazuyushchaya nit’ sovremennogo yestestvenno-nauchnogo obrazovaniya [The concept of universal evolutionism – the connecting thread of modern natural science education]. Pedagog, 2000, no. 1, pp. 10–15 (in Russian).
6. Zelichenko V. M., Chervonnyy M. A., Danilov D. O., Knyazev A. Ye. [Improving the quality of professional training of a future physics teacher in teaching a research physical experiment]. Fundamental’nyye nauki i obrazovaniye: materialy Vserossiyskoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii [Fundamental Sciences and Education: Proceedings of the Russian National Scientific and Practical Conference]. Biysk, BPSU Publ., 2006. Pp. 18–22 (in Russian).
7. Zelichenko V. M., Koroleva L. V., Korolev M. Yu. O neobkhodimosti podgotovki bakalavra po profilyu “yestestvoznaniye” v ramkakh napravleniya “Pedagogicheskoye obrazovaniye” [About the necessity of training a bachelor in the field of “natural science” in the framework of the direction “Pedagogical education”]. Fizika v shkole – Physics at school, 2016, no. 3, pp. 13–17 (in Russian).
8. Zelichenko V. M., Kolkova N. V., Rumbeshta Ye. A., Smyshlyayeva L. G., Chervonnyy M. A. Al’ternativnaya problemno-proyektnaya model’ sistemy povysheniya kvalifikatsii “Pedagog otkrytogo obrazovaniya” [Alternative problem-project model of the system of continuing education “Teacher of open education”]. Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo pedagogicheskogo universiteta – TSPU Bulletin, 2000, vol. 8(24), pp. 46–49 (in Russian).
9. Zelichenko V. M., Bogdanova Yu. V. “Astronomiya” kak integrirovannaya uchebnaya distsiplina [“Astronomy” as an integrated educational discipline]. Fizika v shkole – Physics at school, 2018, no. 2, pp. 150–154 (in Russian).
10. Zelichenko V. M. Chisla, upravlyayushchiye mirom [Numbers governing the world]. Fizika v shkole – Physics at school, 2020, no. 2, pp. 99–103 (in Russian).
11. Zelichenko V. M., Pozdeyeva S. I., Voytekhovskaya M. P. Sistemnyy podkhod v obrazovanii [Systemic approach in education]. Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Fizika – News of higher educational institutions. Physics, 2015, vol. 58, no. 9, pp. 147–150. DOI: 10.1007/s11182-016-0657-3 (in Russian).
12. Zelichenko V. M. Chisla, upravlyayushchiye mirom. Filosofskiye aspekty novoy mezhdunarodnoy sistemy yedinits izmereniy (SI) [Numbers governing the world. Philosophical aspects of the new international system of units of measurement (SI)]. Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Fizika – News of higher educational institutions. Physics, 2020, vol. 63, pp. 4 (748), pp. 126–130 (in Russian).
13. Zelichenko V. M., Larionov V. V., Shishkovskiy V. I. Fizika v zadachakh. Ch. 1: Mekhanika: uchebnoye posobiye [Physics in problems. Part 1: Mechanics: tutorial]. Tomsk, TSPU Publ., 2006. 261 p. (in Russian).
14. Zelichenko V. M., Larionov V. V., Shishkovskiy V. I. Fizika v zadachakh. Ch. 2: Molekulyarnaya fizika. Termodinamika: uchebnoye posobiye [Physics in problems. Part 2: Molecular Physics. Thermodynamics: tutorial]. Tomsk, TSPU Publ., 2006. 180 p. (in Russian).
15. Zelichenko V. M., Larionov V. V., Shishkovskiy V. I. Fizika v zadachakh. Ch. 3: Elektrostatika. Postoyannyy tok: uchebnoye posobiye [Physics in problems. Part 3: Electrostatics. Direct current: tutorial]. Tomsk, TSPU Publ., 2006. 212 p. (in Russian).
16. Zelichenko V. M., Larionov V. V., Shishkovskiy V. I. Fizika v zadachakh. Ch. 4: Elektromagnetizm i peremennyy tok: uchebnoye posobiye [Physics in problems. Part 4: Electromagnetism and Alternating Current: tutorial]. Tomsk, TSPU Publ., 2006. 298 p. (in Russian).
17. Zelichenko V. M., Larionov V. V., Shishkovskiy V. I. Fizika v zadachakh. Ch. 5: Optika. Atomnaya i yadernaya fizika: uchebnoye posobiye [Physics in problems. Part 5: Optics. Atomic and Nuclear Physics: textbook]. Tomsk, TSPU Publ., 2006. 282 p. (in Russian).
18. Zelichenko V. M., Larionov V. V., Shishkovskiy V. I. Laboratornyy praktikum po fizike. Ch. 1: Mekhanika. Molekulyarnaya fizika. Termodinamika: uchebnoye posobiye [Laboratory workshop on physics. Part 1: Mechanics. Molecular physics. Thermodynamics: tutorial]. Tomsk, TSPU Publ., 2007. 200 p. (in Russian).
19. Zelichenko V. M., Larionov V. V., Shishkovskiy V. I. Laboratornyy praktikum po fizike. Ch. 2: Elektrichestvo i magnetizm: uchebnoye posobiye [Laboratory workshop on physics. Part 2: Electricity and Magnetism: tutorial]. Tomsk, TSPU Publ., 2007. 232 p. (in Russian).
20. Zelichenko V. M., Larionov V. V., Shishkovskiy V. I. Laboratornyy praktikum po fizike. Ch. 3: Optika. Atomnaya i yadernaya fizika: uchebnoye posobiye [Laboratory workshop on physics. Part 3: Optics. Atomic and Nuclear Physics: textbook]. Tomsk, TSPU Publ., 2007. 240 p. (in Russian).
21. Zelichenko V. M., Larionov V. V., Shishkovskiy V. I. Vvedeniye v fiziku: uchebnoye posobiye [Introduction to physics: textbook]. Tomsk, TSPU Publ., 2009. 143 p. (in Russian).
22. Blinov V. I. et al. Kontseptual’nyye osnovy razrabotki struktury i soderzhaniya sopryazhennykh gosudarstvennykh obrazovatel’nykh standartov [Conceptual framework for the development of the structure and content of associated state educational standards]. Tomsk, TSPU Publ., 2007. 188 p. (in Russian).
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24. Agranovich M. L. et al. Razrabotka metodologii monitoringa sistemy dopolnitel’nogo professional’nogo obrazovaniya [Development of a methodology for monitoring the system of additional professional education: collective monograph]. Ed. V. M. Zelichenko. Tomsk, TSPU Publ., 2011. 168 p. (in Russian).
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26. Zelichenko V. M., Rovkin V. I., Sviridov V. V. Primernaya programma distsipliny “Osnovy sovremennogo estestvoznaniya” dlya spetsial’nosti “Estestvoznaniye” [Approximate program of the discipline “Foundations of modern natural science” for the specialty “Natural science”]. Sbornik “Yestestvoznaniye”: Programmy i uchebnometodicheskiye materialy dlya vuzov [Collection “Natural Sciences”: Programs and teaching materials for universities]. Moscow, Vlados Publ., 1999. Pp. 65–77 (in Russian).
Issue: 3, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 9 — 18
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