DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2021-3-86-98
The choice and the described process of studying and systemic generalization of the possibilities of theorizing and pedagogical modeling in the professional activity of a teacher and a scientific-pedagogical worker are characterized. The general, specific-subject and private-special components of pedagogical modeling, didactic and scientific theorization are analyzed, the direction presented and systematically refined in the theory of professional and pedagogical knowledge serves as the basis for effective clarification, correction and quality management of solving problems of personality development in age-related activities. In pedagogical science and practice, the choice of methods and technologies of scientific theorization and pedagogical modeling is due to the development of the individual and society, the timeliness of specifying the conditions of scientific research and the level of solving problems of ensuring productivity and competitiveness in professional and educational relations, this opportunity at the basic level of theorization is revealed through the determination of basic concepts (theorizing, pedagogical modeling), highlighting the studied and described components of the basic concepts (functions, principles), displaying products related to the processes carried out in professional activity (typology of models, pedagogical conditions). The systematic theorized foundations, prospects and results of creating new didactic and new scientific knowledge by the method of pedagogical modeling are presented, the refinement and practice-oriented construction of which is reflected in the description of a holistic understanding of the significance of the selected direction of scientific research and scientific activity. The specificity of scientific research and research products is reflected and disclosed through the methodological solution of scientific and pedagogical problems (the use of adaptive-productive, reproductive-productive, creative-productive approaches). The integrity and objectivity of theorization and pedagogical modeling in the professional activity of a teacher and a scientific-pedagogical worker is illustrated in the nonlinear, coordinated use of the components of classical and innovative pedagogy (goal-setting, functional flexibility, productive stability, sense formation, accuracy, modernity of updating the generated and realized opportunities of professional activity).
Keywords: theorization, pedagogical modeling, pedagogical conditions, professional activity, principles, functions, typology
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Issue: 3, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 86 — 98
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