DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2021-3-132-142
The current stage of world historical development is characterized by a tendency towards economic and cultural rapprochement between countries and peoples, which forms a certain social order in the use of functional capabilities of both native and foreign languages by carriers in order to implement strategically important life tasks: educational, industrial, everyday – household, scientific, cultural. Mastering the Russian language by a foreign native speaker should take into account the achievements of a number of branches of scientific knowledge: linguodidactics, general pedagogy and psychology, theories of speech and textual activity, the theory of linguistic personality, psycholinguistics, communication science, subject methodology (theory and practice of teaching Russian as a foreign language). Based on their own pedagogical experience in teaching Russian as a foreign language in the audience of native Chinese speakers, by systematizing and generalizing the existing developments, the authors propose an original concept, in which the types of secondary linguistic personalities are described, distinguished on the basis of the competence approach. In the course of the study, the comparative method, observation and the method of scientific description are involved. Mastering a foreign language marks a certain level of competence characteristics of an inauthentic speaker. The most “advanced” level of proficiency in Russian as a foreign language presupposes the conscious use of the resources of the language, expressed in the ability to correctly assess the situation in terms of relevance, ethics and communicative expediency of use. From these positions, a secondary linguistic personality is understood as a carrier who masters a foreign language in an authentic socio-cultural context and relying on it in order to implement the tasks of effective multicultural communication. At the same time, the carrier demonstrates a certain level of development of competencies: linguistic, linguocultural, intercultural and communicative. The results obtained in the course of the study allow us to say that in the study of the activity of a secondary linguistic personality aimed at mastering Russian as a foreign language, the most effective is the use of a competence-based approach. This approach allows us to study the secondary linguistic personality in the dynamics of the formation of its competence properties at each stage of development that we have identified: the formation of the secondary linguistic personality as a user of a foreign language, the formation of a system of special knowledge and skills in the foreign language in relation to the target language, professional knowledge of a foreign language. The presented typology of secondary linguistic personalities, highlighted on the basis of the competence-based approach, can be used in modern linguodidactics.
Keywords: secondary linguistic personality, linguodidactics, Russian as a foreign language, competence-based approach, competence
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Issue: 3, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 132 — 142
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