DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2021-3-19-27
The materials of this publication analyze the problem of development, characteristics and implementation of an important condition for the organization of the educational process at the university with the use of distance learning technologies, associated with the creation of a high-quality digital educational environment, the development of technical infrastructure and advanced training of university teachers in order to effectively use distance learning technologies in the processes of digital transformation of higher education. And a certain condition is analyzed not only from the perspective of improving the efficiency of the organization of the process under study, but the operations of the University that meets the requirements of world standards, which is extremely important in the format of the State program of the Russian Federation “Development of education” for 2018–2025. The results of study of the levels of effectiveness of the implementation of the conditions are tested and and the data of the questionnaire survey of students and teachers are provided. The article describes the terms “distant education” and “distant learning”. The synonymy of their meanings and the peculiarities of their use in the context of the characteristics of a special way of implementing the educational process at the university are noted. The features of the implementation of the selected condition that took place in 2020 are noted: flexibility in taking into account the time frame of classes and in choosing an individual pace of training; modularity; the use of various types of communication; wide coverage of the audience of students.
Keywords: higher education, educational process, distance learning technologies, organization of educational work
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Issue: 3, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 19 — 27
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