DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2021-3-64-71
The digitalization in education poses a challenge for higher education to form students’ digital competencies, including interaction through digital technologies, information and data management, the ability to solve various problems in the use of information and communication technologies, integration and digital content processing. The purpose of this study is to identify the level of formation of digital competencies of cadets of the Academy of the EMERCOM of Russia. The research was carried out at the State Fire Academy of the EMERCOM of Russia with 168 first-year students. Main research methods: survey, conversation and interview. The results of the study illustrate a lack of students’ digital competence, in particular, information digital competencies (knowledge of the essence of digital footprint and cyber shadow) and digital competence of communication and cooperation (compliance with precautions when working on the Internet). Digital competence of 80 % of respondents was low: they have not heard anything about the concepts of “digital footprint” and “cyber shadow” and don’t take special precautions when working on the Internet. 15 % of the respondents had an average level of development of digital competencies: they are familiar with these concepts, but found it difficult to identify their essential content characteristics and precautions when working on the Internet. 5 % of the respondents have a high level of development of digital competencies: they know and understand the meaning of the concepts of “digital footprint” and “cyber shadow”, and observe precautions when working on the Internet. According to the results of the study, the authors came to the conclusion that there is a need for information and methodological support of students in this direction, which implies the integration of digital material into the content of disciplines, the inclusion of elective classes, the introduction of digital modules and additional educational programs.
Keywords: digital footprint, cyber shadow, digitalization of education, Internet, students, high school
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Issue: 3, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 64 — 71
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