DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2021-3-221-229
The article notes that the problem of activity is one of the key problems of human knowledge, attention is paid to the theoretical aspects of the study of activity in domestic psychological science, approaches to the activity of a subject of vital activity are outlined. The contribution of psychologists of the Perm psychological school to the development of ideas about activity is analyzed. The study of activity is carried out in conjunction with the problems of integral individuality and individual style. Representatives of the Perm psychological school carried out theoretical and empirical studies of various types and styles of human activity in the conditions of daily activity and in extreme conditions of life: educational, volitional, communicative, religious, information-manipulative, meaningforming, professional. The scientific product of the current direction of research in the psychology of activity B. A. Vyatkin calls the idea of the existence in the social world of Homo activus – an active person. The article outlines the relevance of studying the activity of the subject of vital activity in the conditions of the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19), i.e., a situation accompanied by a vital threat, is indicated. This civilizational phenomenon and the resulting epidemiological situation have made global adjustments to all spheres of human life, which necessitated adaptation to the transforming environmental conditions and prolonged situation of uncertainty. Psychologists note not only negative aspects in the current situation, but also positive ones, which are associated with the need to activate all mental life to overcome the pandemocrisis. In the Perm psychological school for the study of the activity of the subject of vital activity in conditions of a vital threat, theoretical prerequisites have been created in the form of the concept of integral individuality (V.S. Merlin), the theory of the meta-individual world (L. Ya. Dorfman), a conceptual dynamic model of the activity of the subject of vital activity (A. A. Volochkov), an integrative approach to the study of communicative activity (S. A. Vasyura), a corresponding diagnostic toolkit has been developed.
Keywords: activity, subject of vital activity, vital threat, style of activity, integral activity of the subject
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Issue: 3, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 221 — 229
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