DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2021-3-99-106
The article is dedicated to the development of a new content and a new format of patriotic education of the younger generation. On the Victory Map (administrative map of the Russian Federation) in the territories of 85 subjects of the country will be placed two figures (military losses, the loss of civilian population), as well as those types of products that the region sent to the battle-front. The creation of a map will not only attract a large number of participants to the project, but will also allow you to see your own country, which defeated fascism in a new way (with numbers and facts). The novelty of the content’s approach is manifested in the ability and accessibility of work with authentic historical sources – declassified documents from the World War II period in regional archives. The main theme is the rear daily life of the civilian population (including military products for the front) and the identification of the number of human losses in the rear, which are the consequences of the Nazi genocide against the peoples of the Soviet Union. The mega-project is set up for the coordinated work of regional teams of Russian pedagogical universities, regional school teams and expert teams. At the same time, team formation is considered as one of the effective methods of implementing a patriotic project. As for the new format, the structure of the mega-project includes 2 research archival projects, 2 creative (competition and regional online project) and a number of organizational and educational events. As a result, the pedagogical prospects of the implementation of the mega-project “Victory Map 2025” seem to be an effective experience of the implementation of a long-term multi-age project of patriotic orientation.
Keywords: patriotic project, complex project, pedagogical perspectives of influence, contribution of the rear to the victory in the Great Patriotic War
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Issue: 3, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 99 — 106
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